By Sakshi Sakhlecha,Chief Design Officer, at Hyper DesTech
We the digital transformers at Hyper DesTech think long-term strategic relationship that aims to upscale the digital transformation of the nation’s economy and society is a thought that should be appreciated. But, this is no more a phenomena. It is a plan that is executed in a well-versed manner by the subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited, Reliance Jio and Microsoft announced that this 10-year commitment syndicates the superlative competences of both the companies. This alliance promises to offer a comprehensive set of solutions encompassing of connectivity, computing, storage solutions, and other technology services and applications. WHY? Because it is very much essential for Indian businesses and will span the broad RIL ecosystem including its existing and new businesses.
In combining efforts, Jio and Microsoft target to augment the implementation of some leading technologies like data analytics, AI, cognitive services, blockchain, IoT, and edge computing among small and medium scale enterprises. This will make them ready to contend and grow, and also accelerate technology-led GDP growth in India of next-gen technology solutions at gage.
Now, we being the leading digital transformers, have certain futuristic insights on this alliance, which shall give clarity and lead the evolution of the businesses positively. Let’s dive into it:
- This association will leverage the cloud platform of Microsoft Azure and will develop innovative cloud solutions that focuses on the needs of Indian businesses.
- Indian startups will have access to proficient and inexpensive cloud infrastructure and platform services, empowering them to develop innovative products and services faster and more profitably.
- Small and medium businesses in India will have access to a range of cloud-based productivity, collaboration and business applications including Office 365, enabling them to compete more meritoriously in the Indian marketplace.
- Large companies will accelerate their own digital transformations by leveraging new Jio solutions that can work with Microsoft offerings already in use today within many large enterprises.
- The partner ecosystem in India will have the opportunity to leverage Jio’s new offerings to serve the exclusive needs of its customers and speedily grow their businesses.
Additionally, since we are into digital transformation through marketing, we believe that this alliance will help the budding entrepreneurs to publicize their business more widely, because they will be branded by the alliance of Jio and Microsoft.
To sum up this insight, here’s an addition to the partnership, which will boost the potential entrepreneurs: The coalition would support the budding startups by proposing the cloud technology and connectivity for free. When is this service coming up? Not too far; it will be available to the ones who register on Jio.com from January 1, 2020.
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