By Vignesh Prem, Chief Technical Officer at Hyper Destech
Digital Marketing globalises the companies in the service sector and gives them an added advantage of securing leads from across the world. In India, this is a rising trend, where companies in the multi-service industries attract leads from foreign nations and use the currency barrel to reap exorbitant revenues. Digital Marketing also provides the option of retargeting the areas where there are a win-win situation for businesses, by increasing the chances of generating more leads and accentuating sales. Since it is highly responsive and presents relevant data regarding the progress of your campaign, it can easily measure profitability in a relatively short span of time.
A lot of medium-sized businesses are either sceptical of the impact of digital marketing towards making their businesses lucrative, or consider it as a mere awareness tool that cannot generate any significant returns by itself. However, with the advent of social media platforms storming the internet and the growing inclinations of people towards technology, digital marketing has turned into an economic avenue of investment for all formats of business. A sensible business decision estimates the Return on Investment (ROI) that would be generated after deploying a strategy or process.
There stays a fear amongst the companies of their reputations rupturing in case the business is declared open for interpretation. Breaking this distrust, 67% Financial Marketers believe that digital marketing is more efficient than traditional marketing as it costs lesser to reach the target consumers online, rather than offline.
Digital marketing fetches a number of inbound leads for the firm through means of content strategies, customer retention hacks, visual marketing and other resorts. Once a company achieves substantial leads, it can generate and monitor its ROI by comparing the spending on digital marketing against the KPIs like:
- Market Share
- Leads generation
- Shoot of sales
- Brand identity
Furthermore, digital marketing is more economic and precise than traditional marketing. This is bound to increase the ROI because it streamlines the entire campaign with greater efficiency. A research conducted by some of the leading research firms found that Digital Marketing could cut costs down by 50-60% as against traditional marketing. Besides, digital marketing by nature is a data driven approach which always keeps you in control of your costs plus the subsequent sales generated from your spending.
Digital Marketing is the rational way up there for companies to generate greater Return on Investment (ROI) by upping their lead generation gradient. However, the process is comprehensive and all-encompassing in itself with a multitude of tools whose execution requires appropriate knowledge and expertise. A lot of firms, including financial companies, are hiring Digital Marketing services to increase their Return on Investment (ROI) and the ones that haven’t, shall promptly find experts to initiate their digital marketing strategy.
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