By Sakshi Sakhlecha,Chief Design Officer, at Hyper DesTech
To get the attention your business deserves, the best approach is putting out your brand in a variety of places. Having a Facebook fan page and a social media presence with your brand and your blog is important but quite common today and if you want your brand to be present in the top then you will have to do what you can with SEO but, at the same time you will have to look around for popular places where you can spread awareness and appreciation for you brands presence to get higher.
If you plan to use a site for attention and to encourage followers to take a look at your site then, Instagram and Pinterest are a good choice even though they are not considered heavyweights when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).
Exposure is the name of the game here
With tens of millions of monthly visitors, Instagram and Pinterest both enjoy massive amounts of traffic making these websites a great places to post your best pictures and work to gain attention. You can attach hashtags which will help people to search your brand better and also online connecting your profile information to your main website.
Fresh content is great to spread the word
With fresh content your brand or product gets rated top online and this will also allow you to connect links to them on your Twitter feed along with photographs and supporting material. And all this becomes easy if you have an Instagram or Pinterest Account to link all of it together. However, this keeps your audience engaged and up to date with what’s going on.
Pictures matter a lot – make them a part of your campaign
One good image picked up by Google is the key to drive thousands of new visitors to your accounts or your website. Also, a great way to expand your footprint and to give yourself the chance to see thousands of new visitors on your site can be done by Instagram and Pinterest, which may not directly affect SEO or your blogging strategy but your pictures on it may be the reason. So it is clear that Social Media Marketing Services today are holding the main position in the marketing industry and Instagram & Pinterest are those vital keys to that lock which if opened once can take you leaps ahead.
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